After 50 years, NASA has a great deal to celebrate, and this site offers a rich multimedia journey through their first half-century. Things get started with an introduction by a rather friendly robot who gives a brief explanation of how to navigate the site. After that, visitors are treated to a few tunes from the 1950s (such as "Tutti Frutti") and they can click on the headquarters building to...
Two halves of NASA merge at half-century
NASA at 50: Johnson Space Center being put to the test
50 Years in Space: NASA's Roadmap to 2058
The Hubble Space Telescope [Real Player, Macromedia Flash...
NASA Women of STEM is a wonderful site dedicated to celebrating women who have made contributions to NASA in the related fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Readers will find a number of fascinating profiles, interviews, and articles about women at NASA who are engaged in a wide range of STEM fields, from teaching children about science to engineering rockets. For instance, the...
Readers may wish to revisit this resource from the 09-20-2019 Scout Report for a panel discussion between barrier breakers and STEM superstars from the Latinx community.
!Latinos STEM Up! was a panel discussion hosted by NASA's Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA) on October 12, 2017, as part of HOLA's Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations. This discussion focused on "the contributions...