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Multicultural education -- Periodicals


Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

The online publication "Diverse: Issues in Higher Education" is a cornucopia of material related to diversity issues in higher education, including hiring practices, increasing the number of underrepresented faculty members on campus, and so on. The homepage includes an excellent jobs database where visitors can learn about new jobs, and employers can post their currently available positions. The...
East-West Center

Started in 1960 by the U.S. Congress, the East-West Center's primary purpose is "to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States." To accomplish this purpose, the Center serves as a functional hub for education, cooperative research, and scholarly dialogue. On their homepage, visitors can look over the latest news from scholars at...
Teaching Tolerance Magazine

The Teaching Tolerance magazine, which is put out by the Southern Poverty Law Center to accompany its free Teaching Tolerance educational program, is available online via the website dedicated to the Teaching Tolerance program. The magazine is loaded with wonderful information and creative ways to teach tolerance. Visitors can view the magazine's archives and read the articles online for free....