Born in Vienna on November 19, 1909, Peter Drucker is known around the world as the "father of management," as he helped create and articulate "the concepts that have made management a field of legitimate academic inquiry and professional practice." After receiving a Ph.D. in international law from Frankfurt University, Drucker moved to London, and then shortly afterwards came to the United...
Fortune has recently released its list of the "Best Companies to Work For." According to Fortune, the list consists of 100 companies who were willing "to come up with creative ways to keep their employees satisfied" and treated them with "respect and dignity." 80 companies on the list avoided layoffs last year (in the wake of the September 11th tragedy), while 47 reported that they have some...
Strategy and Business is sponsored by Booz, Allen and Hamilton, a large management consulting firm. Designed to help users "sharply focus their agenda and put the best business ideas to work," the site contains articles on business research, policy, technology, strategy, management and competition. Also provided are business book reviews, best practice, case studies, business quotes and...
According to creator Meir Liraz, the Small Business Knowledge Base is the Internet's "largest and most comprehensive" small business guide. Ten general categories address small business management issues such as starting up, Web marketing, and personnel management in a how-to format. Links to book reviews and related sites are also included as is an Entrepreneur Quiz -- an interactive assessment...