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United States -- Statistics -- Periodicals


As year draws to a conclusion, the Statistical Abstract of the United States offers plenty of fodder for discussion around the holiday table

Snapshot of the US: 65 days in front of the TV and five months of media,,1972530,00.html Media occupies half of Americans’ lives, data from Census shows New homes were cheapest in the South in...
Statistical Abstract of the United States

The US Census Bureau offers this exhaustive compendium of national, regional, state, local, and selected international statistics drawn from "reports and records of government and private agencies." The book (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only) is divided into 31 topical chapters, composed mostly of annual time series data. Unfortunately, as there is no table of contents, the best finding aid is the...
Statistical Abstract of the United States

The US Census Bureau has released the online version of the 118th edition of the Statistical Abstract of the United States, an annual compendium of statistics profiling the social, demographic, and economic conditions in the US. The 1998 edition contains almost 1,700 tables and graphs, which present summaries of local, state, regional, national, and selected international data, including "93 new...
Statistical Abstract of the United States 1997

The first piece of good news is that the US Census Bureau has made the newest addition of this exhaustive compendium of national, regional, state, local, and selected international statistics drawn from "reports and records of government and private agencies" available (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only). The second piece of good news is that the site where the volume resides has been reorganized...
Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1999

Dubbed "the National Data Book" by the Census Bureau, this online tome offers a vast collection of statistics on social and economic conditions in the United States. A special feature of the 1999 edition is a new section, "20th Century Statistics," "which presents data beginning in 1900 where available on a broad range of subjects such as population, education, income and labor force." Selected...
The 2008 Statistical Abstract

There aren't too many documents that combine annual statistics on arts organizations with crop acreage, but the Annual Statistical Abstract from the U.S. Census Bureau manages to do both with great aplomb. The Abstract has been published since 1878 and it serves as the "authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States."...
US Census Bureau: 2001 Statistical Abstract of the United States

This report was released on January 22, 2002 by the U.S. Census Bureau. This in-depth report is over 1,300 pages in length and contains 30 sections of statistical data, including population, vital statistics, education, elections, energy, transportation, health and nutrition, and much more. Each section can be viewed separately and is only accessible with Adobe Acrobat Reader.