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Olympics -- Planning


As the Summer Olympics begin in London, there is some well-founded anxiety about the long-term benefits of hosting such a grand venture

London Olympics: Are organizers not willing to pay for play?,0,4734546.story Why The Olympics Aren't Good For Us, And How They Can Be BBC Sport: Olympics London...
Despite criticism from some quarters, anticipation and excitement about upcoming Olympic Games continues unabated

UNEP Reaffirms support to “Green” Olympics in Beijing British Olympic official warns of Chinese "superstate" ahead of Beijing Games Olympics Threaten City Projects...
International Olympic Committee

Since the birth of the modern Olympics in 1896, those with a passion for information about these contests have sought out materials on the Games via a multitude of sources. For those who are so inclined, this website is a uniformly excellent way to learn about the activities of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Games. On their homepage, visitors can check out a complete list of...