This Web site contains a recent report on cancer statistics prepared by the American Cancer Society (ACS) that uses incidence data from the National Cancer Institute and mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics. The report offers "an up-to-date perspective on the occurrence of cancer" in the United States, including cancer frequency, incidence, mortality, and survival...
As more and more Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, this resource page that is provided by the Center for Disease Control will be of great help to persons with diabetes and those hoping to learn how to prevent the onset of this condition. The site includes important fact sheets (updated for the year 2002) about the increase in diabetes over the past decade and detailed explanation of the four...
Released on October 16, this new report from the Health Resources and Services Administration examines 59 health status indicators and service needs of America's children. Topics covered include children's health insurance coverage, infant mortality, low birth weight, vaccinations, adolescent birth rates, sexually transmitted diseases and pediatric AIDS. The full text of the report can be...
Sponsored by the National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity, this 14-page report documents the immense health risks that may result because of the ubiquity of "value" meals proffered by fast-food outlets. During the first week of May 2002, members of the National Alliance gathered pricing data of various convenience foods and meals in Washington DC, Des Moines, Little Rock, Sacramento, and...
Founded in 1964, the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies maintains a strong link to the Harvard School of Public Health along with other policy institutes at the university. On their homepage, visitors can read their latest press releases, learn about the activities of their associates, and various fellowship opportunities. Along with these general areas, the web-browsing public...
The National Center for Health Statistics just released the seventh and final review of the Healthy People 2000 objectives. Healthy People 2000 is "the national health promotion agenda that guided Americans toward living longer and healthier lives" from 1990 until now (see the September 18, 1998 Scout Report for a discussion of Healthy People 2010). The final review reports on progress made on the...
The latest report from the government's Healthy People Initiative shows mortality rates down for all targeted age groups, with significant declines in infant mortality rates throughout the nineties and a continuing decline in the mortality rates of those aged 15-24. According to the report, 59% of the objectives for Healthy People, 2000 have been met or are proceeding on schedule. However, "the...
On September 15, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna E. Shalala released "Healthy People 2010 Objectives: Draft for Public Comment," which proposes more than 500 national objectives for improving the health of Americans by the year 2010. First began in 1979, Healthy People, a national initiative to prevent disease and foster better health, is widely used as a strategic management tool by the...
There is a growing health care crisis in the United States and some groups are particularly vulnerable. This August 2008 report from the Pew Hispanic Center looks into the challenges faced by Hispanics in terms of their access and information about health care, and their findings will be of great use to public health researchers, journalists, and others. The 81-page report was written by Gretchen...
This special site from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation brings users information about health policy in the context of the events following September 11. In particular, the site offers annotated links to Federal Government Resources, Publications and Reports, Organizations and Research Institutions, Public Opinion, State Resources, Kaiser Daily Health Policy Reports on Bioterrorism and the...