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American poetry -- 21st century


National Poetry Month

Previously covered by the Scout Report way back in 2008, the website dedicated to the promulgation of National Poetry Month has come a long way. In honor of this month of poets and poetry, readers may like to look into a number of interesting tabs, including About the Celebration, which provides an overview of this literary tribute, along with links to poets, poems, and books and a list of "30...
Once on the fringes, poetry slams have firmly entered the mainstream, and an early pioneer expresses concern

Is Slam in Danger of Going Soft? Slam's new round: The founder of the poetry slam issues two books to renew the genre Obama Hosts White House Poetry Night Poetry Slam,...

The University of Pennsylvania's Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing has created this impressive site to bring together a wide range of spoken word endeavors, including poetry readings, literary discussions, and other engaging items. The Center is led by Charles Bernstein and Al Filreis, and visitors can get a sampling of their efforts by looking over the "New at PENNsound" section of the...
Poetry Daily

Some might say that a poem a day isn't nearly enough, while the skeptical might say that it is quite enough already, thank you very much. Regardless of that debate, Poetry Daily is a splendid resource that brings visitors new poems from books, magazines and journals currently in print. Visitors to the site will find themselves looking straight at "Today's Poem", which of course features the daily...