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Globalization -- Social aspects


An Agenda for Harnessing Globalization

Getting a handle on what the phrase “globalization” means can be a bit like trying to lasso a fast-moving cloud. Does globalization mean the cross-pollination of different musical styles? Is it the vast geographical expansion of major multinational corporations into remote locales? Well, of course, it’s both of these things and quite a bit more. In a paper that appeared in the Autumn 2006 edition...

In London, riders on the Tube are reminded to "Mind the Gap". On the Gapminder website, visitors are reminded to mind a variety of gaps, whether they be in income inequality or quality of health care. This rather absorbing website was created as a non-profit venture to promote "sustainable global development and achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by increased use and...
Transformations Journal

Different forms of communication have always had a tendency to transform interactions and everyday life in ways that have surprised people from many different backgrounds. Academics have long been interested in such dynamic transformations, and this electronic journal represents one of the responses to such processes. As their site notes, this journal is "dedicated to the exploration of ideas,...