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Food -- Information services


Rising food prices raise questions about both food security and political unrest

Price of rice continues record surge US government ready to export rice to Philippines Poor Thai farmers guard their fields as rice prices...
The Global Crop Diversity Trust

Amidst the backdrop of climate change and staggering world population growth, many agronomists, scientists, and government leaders are concerned about both food security and availability. The Global Crop Diversity Trust is intimately concerned with such matters, and their primary goal is to maintain and preserve crop diversity through a variety of creative and innovative techniques. Visitors can...
World Agricultural Information Centre Portal

Disseminating information about any subject to a broad range of constituents and concerned parties and organizations can be a formidable task, no matter what the medium might be. This website is designed to achieve just that goal for agriculture, and it has a mandate from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT) is...
World Food Situation

Founded in 1945, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is concerned with defeating hunger through a broad range of strategic and targeted programs. One of their public service and awareness initiatives includes this site, which is designed to provide high-quality and rigorously researched information on the state of food and agricultural production across the world....
World Health Organization: Food Safety

Growing concern about food safety has spurred a number of international organizations to action, and the World Health Organization (WHO) is one group that has been concerned with this issue for the past few years. The WHO has worked closely with a number of like-minded organizations (such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) to address food safety issues “along the...