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(6 classifications) (4 resources)

West (U.S.)

Civilization (1)
Discovery and exploration (5)
History (28)
In literature. (1)
Photography. (1)
Pictorial works (7)


Legends of America

Summer is quickly making an exit in anticipation of fall's blustery arrival, but that doesn't mean it is too late for a trip to the American West. This site, developed and maintained by Kathy Weiser, may provide the inspiration visitors need to pack up and make a move out to one of the Western states. Legends of America was inspired by Weiser's love for history and travel, and as such, contains a...
The Center of the American West

Understanding what exactly the American West is about is a thorny question, whether it be approached from a historical viewpoint, an ecological framework, or even what the region means to the American populace. Looking at the American West through these lenses (and several others) is what the Center of the American West at the University of Colorado is largely about. Organized in 1989, the Center...
U.S. West: Photographs, Manuscripts, and Imprints

This marvelous digital collection draws on materials held in the collection of Southern Methodist University's DeGolyer Library. The Library holds over 500,000 images that document the American West, borderlands, exploration, and the development of the Western railroads. This particular collection brings together over 540 digitized items, including Alexander Gardner's 1867 portfolio, "Across the...
USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

With an organizational history that dates back approximately 30 years, the mission of the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC) is "to provide scientific understanding and the technology needed to support sound management and conservation of our nation's natural resources, with emphasis on western ecosystems." From the Center's homepage, visitors can learn about the valuable work...