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Tariff -- United States


View Resource 2001 Trade Policy Agenda and 2000 Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Program

Recently released by the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Programs, the 2001 Trade Policy Agenda and 2000 Annual Report outlines the trade agenda of the Bush Administration. According to the overview, President Bush "is strongly committed to a trade policy that will remove trade barriers in foreign markets, while further liberalizing our market at home." The main body of the...
View Resource Banana War Heats Up

A six-year trade dispute between the US and the European Union came to a head on Wednesday, when the Clinton administration slapped 100 percent tariffs on about $520 million worth of European exports to the US (with the notable exceptions of wine and Mercedes Benz cars.) The root of the quarrel is Europe's import rules for bananas, which Washington claims favor bananas from former Caribbean...
View Resource The US-EU Banana Dispute

This week's In the News examines recent US government designs to sanction $568 million worth of European Union (EU) goods in response to the long-running "Banana Dispute." Trade delegates from the US, Ecuador, Guatamala, Honduras, and Mexico met on January 12, 1999 to ask the World Trade Organization's Dispute Settlement Body (WTO DSB) to review the EU's new banana import and marketing regime,...