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Philosophy -- Educational philosophy


AACU: Models of Global Learning

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) recently published this thirty-two-page report about the General Education for a Global Century (GEGC), a recent project of the AACU's Shared Futures Initiative. This initiative, implemented at thirty-two colleges and universities across the United States, aims to "increase the capacity of colleges and universities to help all...
Across the United States, students return to school to find significant changes underway

Back to School for Reform,1,6157283.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california Harvard studies ways to promote teaching Beloit College’s Mindset List for the Class of...
Adequacy, Litigation, and Student Achievement

As this article notes, the court system has served as "an increasingly important forum in the attempts to remedy the persistent gaps in American education." One strategy that legal advocates have used over the past 20 years has been finance adequacy litigation - that is, suing districts or states for underfunding certain schools. This article from Open Educational Resources, examines the...
American Association of State Colleges and Universities

With diminishing monies from their state governments, it makes sense that America’s public colleges and universities would benefit from a large organization such as the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). With over 400 members, the AASCU provides a host of services on their website that will be of interest to those following the world of American higher education. On...
American Democracy Project

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) has worked to create the American Democracy Project (ADP) which is concerned with "higher education's role in preparing the next generation of informed, engaged citizens for our democracy." It's a laudable initiative, and this website provides information about the Project's work and outreach efforts. On the left-hand side of the...
American Radio Works: Don't Lecture Me

Over the past few decades, higher education has been vastly transformed by online course offerings and myriad changes driven by technological advances and innovation. The old model of straight lectures and recitations to courses large and small has been challenged by new research as well. This documentary from American RadioWorks looks at different educators and institutions as they think about...
American RadioWorks: Early Lessons

American RadioWorks, the documentary-making arm of public radio, presents an intriguing story about David Weikart, a school system administrator in the late 1950s who wanted to help poor African-American kids have more success in school. He came up with the novel idea of preschool for these children. The website for this documentary has a lot to offer for any visitors who want to listen to the...
Ascend: Aspen Institute

The Ascend initiative at the Aspen Institute is "a hub for breakthrough ideas and collaborations that move children and their parents toward educational success and economic security." The folks at the Aspen Institute are focused on taking a "two-generation approach" to their work. This idea is outlined in areas that include Our Strategies, The Two-Generation Approach, Resources, and About Us. In...
Authentic Assessment Toolbox

In his introduction to this useful site, psychology professor Jon Mueller presents two arguments. First, he claims that our current educational system fails to teach the need for critical skills for success in the 21st century. Second, he posits that the reason for this is, at least partially, due to confusion about how to assess those skills. The website is an answer to that confusion. Here...
BAM! Radio Network

BAM! (body and mind) Radio started out in 2007 as a single online radio program aimed at parents who were interested in encouraging a healthy body and a healthy mind in their children. It has since expanded and now features four distinct yet related stations: Educators Radio, EdTech Radio, Leaders Radio, and Parents Radio. Users can find a good deal of content on the homepage, including episodes...
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