For law students, learning about the world of legal citations is key. For many years, the standard reference work on legal citation was a manual known as "The Bluebook". This work has been revised numerous times over the years, and this online version appeared in May 2007. It is offered here as a public service, by the Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell University's Law School, and it...
The University of Kansas has a number of fine academic programs, and they also provide writing support for students who might be having trouble getting started with their own assignments or term papers. While visitors may not be able to make the trek on over to Lawrence, they can certainly hop online here to take advantage of some of their writing tutorials and guide sheets. Most visitors will...
For those not familiar with its nuances and requirements, legal writing can be a taxing affair at first. Fortunately, the Legal Writing Institute's homepage is a good place to start learning more about the basics of legal writing. First-time visitors can begin by looking over the "About" section, which offers up a host of materials about the Institute, including a most useful FAQ guide and...
Throughout World War I and World War II, American Indians were asked to join the United States armed forces. They served in many different campaigns, and in many different capacities, but perhaps one of the best known groups of American Indians were the "Code Talkers". The "Code Talkers" were asked to develop a way of transmitting secret messages using their own native languages, and they were...
The field of semiotics is a complex one, and it is generally understood to include the study of sign systems and evolution, texts, information, meaning, and related matters. This particular site, dedicated to the field of semiotics, was founded by Paul Bouissac, and it serves as a dynamic and interactive place where scholars and interested parties can peruse their online semiotics encyclopedia and...
Founded by Harriet Monroe in 1912, Poetry magazine continues to flourish in the 21st century. When the magazine was first published, Monroe remarked "The Open Door will be the policy of this magazine-may the great poet we are looking for never find it shut, or half-shut, against his ample genius!" Strong and meaningful words indeed, and the magazine and its accompanying website live up to them...
The Poetry Foundation, established in 2003, was created through a fund provided by Ruth Lilly. Since its creation, the Foundation has grown by leaps and bounds, and one of their best public outreach efforts is this website. With a well-thought out visual design, their homepage is a great starting point for learning more about the world of poetry. Sections on the homepage include “Publishing”,...
Writing centers at colleges and universities have been around for decades, and most of them have placed some resources for their students online. George Mason University's writing resource center has had an online presence for years, and it is one that college students and persons generally interested in improving their writing will want to look at. The site includes a number of specialized...
H.L. Mencken, a journalist who was one of the most celebrated American writers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was often referred to as “The Sage of Baltimore”. Writing in a number of Baltimore’s daily papers, Mencken developed an acerbic wit and a penchant for syllogisms that would serve him well for decades. As a defender and scholar of American English, Mencken wrote “The American...
Many universities have elaborate writing centers to assist students learn about the art of crafting wonderful and meaningful pieces of writing. The University College at the University of Toronto has collected over two dozen excellent resources designed to get undergraduates and others up to speed with the world of writing college-level papers. On the site, visitors will find resources like...