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Health -- Chronic conditions


Active Living by Design

Members of the public health community and those from the world of urban planning have teamed up to create the Active Living By Design program, and by extension, this fine website. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and an academic home at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health, the program was created “to increase physical activity through...
ADEAR: Alzheimer's Disease Education & Referral Center

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most serious health problems for the elderly, and no cure has yet been found. To shed some light on this mysterious illness, the National Institute on Aging provides this valuable resource explaining how Alzheimer's affects the minds of people suffering from it. In an overview of potential causes, the site distinguishes between genetic risk factors for early and...
AIDS Education and Training Centers: National Resource Center

The Ryan White CARE Act provides funds for programs to "improve the quality of life of patients living with HIV/AIDS through the provision of high quality professional education and training." The AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) are part of such a program, and they "conduct targeted, multi-disciplinary education and training programs for healthcare providers treating persons with...
Anxiety and Depression Association of America

Millions of people across the United States live with a variety of anxiety disorders and for twenty-five years, the Anxiety Disorders Association of American (ADAA) has worked to promote the prevention, treatment and cure of these disorders. From the site’s homepage visitors can learn about some of the most common anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, social phobia, and post-traumatic stress...
BC Cancer Research Centre

Located in Vancouver, the BC Cancer Research Centre (BCCRC) provides a place for scientists and researchers to "perform basic, epidemiologic, and clinical research on cancer prevention, early diagnosis of cancer, the molecular and genetic characteristics of the cancer process, and basic research related to new treatments of cancer." The BCCRC website connects visitors to information about various...
Department of Pathology-Case Studies

Students in the health sciences learn from case studies, patient histories, and a variety of other means. In recent years, a number of medical schools in the United States have contributed to medical education by placing slide collections, pathology reports, and other related materials online. The University of Pittsburgh's School of Medicine is part of this delightful trend, and they have placed...
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Living and coping with depression or bipolar disorder can be difficult, but there are a number of high-quality online resources that can be very useful to those with these conditions, or for those who work directly with these individuals. The homepage of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) can be of great help in this area, as their site includes everything from their "Real...
Globalization and Health

Open-access peer-reviewed journals continue to grow in number and in scope, and those dealing with the future of public health are no exception. One of the latest is Globalization and Health, which provides “a platform for research, knowledge sharing and debate on the topic of globalization and its effects on health, both positive and negative.” With such a broad range, it is no surprise that the...
Glow in the dark cats may lead to important advances in finding a cure for HIV

Cats That Glow For AIDS Research Join List of Animals That Shine 'Green-Glowing' Cats May Help to Fight Against HIV/AIDS The Scientist: Fluorescent Cats Aid...
Go Ask Alice!

Some readers may be wondering aloud: "Who is Alice, and why do I want to ask her anything?� Well, "Alice" is in fact a team of Columbia University health educators, health care providers, and specialists from health-related organizations worldwide. "Alice" was created in 1993 at Columbia, and is one of the longest-running health question and answer websites. As one might surmise, the site...
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