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Foreign Languages -- Grammar


ESL Gold

Gold is a precious commodity, and the quest to obtain even modest amounts of this substance has consumed the lives of many men and women throughout recorded history. To find a website titled “ESL Gold” may raise the skeptical eyebrows of some, but truly many of the resources on this site will be just that valuable to English as a Second Language educators, students, and other concerned parties....
French in Action

For those people who embarked on a program of instruction in French in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the phrase "These people speak French. In this course, everybody speaks French" may remind people of a very well-regarded television program designed to get students speaking French quickly. This program is "French in Action", and on this website, educators and students can partake of all 52...
Greek Grammar

While some may view ancient Greek as a "dead language", this informative and edifying website proves that the language is far from dead, and that there much to be gained through close consideration of this magisterial language. Created and maintained by Professor Marc Huys, a faculty member of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, the site serves as a clearinghouse of available online...
Indo-European Languages Tutorials

As a student of French and other languages, Jennifer Wagner has created this most helpful site to assist people looking for some basic language tutorials in French, Italian, German, and a number of other languages. The site currently contains fifteen language tutorials, divided into sections that include "French Slang", "French Phonetics", and "Italian I". First-time visitors can click on the...
Learn Spanish

Spanish language instruction has been a staple of instruction in high schools and colleges for years, and there are a number of high-quality online resources for those who would like to learn the language, or just refresh their vocabulary. At this site, visitors can go through a number of tutorials that deal with basic pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Each tutorial contains an audio section...