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Educational Technology -- Technology planning


4Teachers: Teach with Technology

This website was created by staff members at the Advanced Learning Technologies Project at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. It's well designed, and has a diverse set of resources that will help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms. Visitors who may be on the fence about bringing different technologies into the classroom should definitely check out the...
Center for Applied Science Technology

Founded in 1984, the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) is an organization that is committed to expanding “learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities, through the research and development of innovative, technology-based educational resources and strategies”. On their homepage, visitors can learn about their various initiatives, which include...
eLearning Africa

Bringing education to a wide range of persons throughout different countries in Africa presents an extensive set of challenges, and a number of organizations and corporations have made substantial investments in this area. One way to bring a diverse group of interested parties to the table is by having a conference, and that is precisely the focus on the eLearning Africa 2007 site. This particular...
Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age

What does privacy mean in a digital age? Is there any effective and proven way for governments, businesses, and individuals to safeguard their stores of information? These are important and timely questions, and they are but a few of those addressed in this recent release from The National Academies Press. This volume was edited by James Waldo, Herbert S. Lin, and Lynnette I. Millett, and it...
Global Education Digest 2007

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics publishes numerous technical guides and strategy papers every year, and this particular document is both timely and important. The Global Education Digest 2007 offers a comparative look at education statistics and spending across the world, and there are a number of findings that are particularly revealing within its pages. One such finding is that governments...
Growing the Curriculum: Open Education Resources in U.S. Higher Education

Based at Babson College, the Babson Survey Research Group conducts regional, national and international research projects, including survey design, data integrity, and statistical analyses. One of their most recent papers deals with the realm of open education resources in U.S. higher education and was authored by I. Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman, both of the Babson Survey Research Group. The...
National Digital Stewardship Alliance

Started as an initiative of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) is a "collaborative effort among government agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and businesses to preserve a distributed national digital collection for the benefit of citizens now and in the future." Some of the...
Tech Learning: Resource for Education Technology Leaders is produced by Technology & Learning Magazine. The magazine is available online and includes contributions from K-12 teachers, administrators and other experts in technology education. Feature articles in the March 2004 issue include Data: Mining with a Mission and Network Monitoring: A 360-Degree Plan. Websites, technology trends, and innovative classrooms or schools are also...
World Summit on the Information Society

Convened first by the United Nations in 2003 in Geneva, the World Summit on the Information Society is concerned with providing a place for dialogue on a number of crucial issues, such as the ongoing “digital revolution” that is transforming the developed and developing world as well as the “digital divide”. The most recent international World Summit took place in November 2005, and this website...