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Backyard Nature

Created by veteran naturalist Jim Conrad, Backyard Nature is an excellent resource for information about many aspects of the natural world. The website provides extensive, well-organized sections for backyard Ecology, Plants, Animals, and Fungi -- to name just a few. The site contains a section on Naming & Classifying living things, as well as information about tools for backyard naturalists such...
BBC Radio 4: The Living World

Nature documentaries and like-minded programs continue to fascinate the general public, and the demand for such material would seem to be almost infinite. While some may be most familiar with those shows that appear on television, there are a number of radio-based programs that are worth considering. One such program is the BBC Radio 4's own "The Living World", hosted by Lionel Kelleway. Described...
Nature North Zine

Nature North Zine is a folksy, online magazine focused on the natural history of Manitoba and surrounding regions of North America. Site visitors can access sections for Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. The seasonal sections contain a variety of brief articles (from different dates) that address such subjects as wood frogs, native plant gardening, violets, snow snakes, and amphibians of Manitoba....