Charles Harvey, an associate professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has kept a log of the findings from a recent visit to Sri Lanka. Harvey and colleagues Tissa Illagasekera from the Colorado School of Mines and Jayantha Obeysekera from the South Florida Water District went to Sri Lanka to investigate the impact of the...
This website assists the Pacific Tsunami Museum in its goal "to promote public tsunami education for residents of Hawaii and the Pacific Region." Visitors can learn about the causes of tsunamis, its characteristics, the wrap-around effect, and much more. Teachers and students can discover the museum's education and science programs. Everyone will enjoy the live video stream of Hilo Bay and the...
This NOVA website addresses the tsunami disaster that occurred in December 2004 in the Indian Ocean. Users can learn about the warning system in place in the Pacific Ocean and both the need for and difficulties of setting up a similar system in the Indian Ocean. Through an animated module, visitors can discover the tsunami's path, speed, wave height, and its changes in characteristics once it...
This Web site assists the international Tsunami Society in its mission to distribute "knowledge about tsunamis to scientists, officials, and the public." In the first section of the site, scientists can download articles from the 2002 and 2003 issues of the journal Science of Tsunami Hazards. Visitors can also view footage from tsunamis around the world. The second section of the site discusses...