Directed by a collaboration of seven United States universities and NASA, the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a "long duration balloon mission to constrain the origin of the highest energy particles in the universe." At this University of Hawaii at Manoa web site, users can download an informational proposal discussing the expected goals, scientific implementation, schedule, cost,...
A neutrino, for those of us who might not immerse ourselves regularly in the world of very small things, is a nearly massless sub-atomic particle that travels at just about the speed of light. Born in the cauldron of exploding stars, they can move through lead like you and I move through air. Hence, their nickname: "ghost particles." IceCube, a particle detector planted in the barren wilds of the...
This website features the IceCube collaboration, encompassing physicists and astronomers from all over the world. Users can discover how IceCube will explore uncharted bands for astronomy. Students and educators can find a history of neutrino astronomy. Researchers can find a publications list, conference schedule, and downloadable technical documents related to the project. Within the Multimedia...
Managed by the Universities Research Association, the NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) Facility and the MINOS (the Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search) experiment are part of the US Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. This site was created to illustrate the NuMI, which is being designed to produce a beam of neutrinos aimed at the Soudan Underground Mine State...
The size of a ten-story building, 6800 feet underground at the Creighton mine in Ontario; the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is a telescope built to study neutrinos and the core of the sun. Students can learn how Cherenkov Radiation is produced and used to detect neutrino properties. Scientists can read the newly published paper dealing with the measurement of Total Active 8B Solar Neutrino Flux...
This University of Wisconsin - Madison website presents the IceCube project, "a one-cubic-kilometer international high-energy neutrino observatory being built and installed in the clear deep ice below the South Pole Station." The site offers downloadable IceCube presentations, a brochure, educational movies, nice pictures, and other popular media. Students can learn about neutrinos and the...