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Education policy & development

Research (1)


Center for International and Development Education

Located at UCLA, the mission of the Center for International and Development Education (CIDE) is "to provide quality information on a variety of issues related to international and development education." To help achieve this goal, the CIDE has developed this Web site which contains a number of publications, information about ongoing research projects, material on practical initiatives and a...
Consortium for Policy Research in Education

Created in an effort "to improve elementary and secondary education through practical research," the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE), brings together researchers and scholars from the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. From the main page visitors can learn about the...

Many budding academics are seeking to get a first publication over the proverbial transom, and a number of journals actively recruit their work and findings. One such journal is Educate, which is published twice a year by the Institute of Education at the University of London. The journal was first published in 2001, and has recently been made available online here. Interested parties can browse...
Education Policy Analysis Archives

This Website offers an archive of Education Policy Analysis, a peer-reviewed, online journal published at Arizona State University. Users may browse full-text issues of the journal or each issue's abstracts. In addition, the entire archives may be searched by keyword. Visitors may submit commentary to articles for consideration for publication in future issues and subscribe to a list that will...
Governance Divide: A Report on a Four-State Study on Improving College Readiness and Success

Many policy analysts and commentators have been bemoaning the fact that the United States’ substantial lead in the worlds of technology and scientific discovery seems to be fading rather quickly. A number of policy think-tanks have preoccupied themselves with exploring this question, and The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education has been exploring the very complex link between...
Rethinking Schools Online

The motivating vision behind the Rethinking Schools organization is the notion of "the common school." This vision includes the belief that schools are integral "not only to preparing all children to be full participants in society, but also to be full participants in this country's ever-tenuous experiment in democracy." The organization was founded in Milwaukee in 1986, and has been intimately...
Teachers Without Borders

A number of concerned educational organizations have developed during the past few years, many of them with a special focus on early education in the developing world. As the Teachers Without Borders website states, "For us, education is a collaborative effort lasting a lifetime; our learning model is designed to connect global 'best practices' to those-at the local level--who can build their...
The 2007 Brown Center Report on American Education: How Well Are American Students Learning?

Published by the Brown Center on American Education at the Brookings Institution, this report asks the question: "How well are American students learning?" Released in December 2007, this most recent edition of the report examines the latest test score data on math and reaching achievement. The report also offers analyses of enrollment patterns in private and public schools as well as an...
Wanted: A National Teacher Supply Policy for Education: The Right Way to Meet the "Highly Qualified Teacher" Challenge

Part of George W. Bush's new No Child Left Behind Act requires that a "highly qualified teacher" must be present in all classrooms. Teacher quality has long been an area of interest for scholars in the field of education, and this most recent paper from the Educational Policy Analysis Archives looks at various techniques utilized by different states and school districts designed to strengthen...