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Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883.


View Resource Searching for Gemutlichkeit and Gotterdammerung, the Wagnerian faithful travel to Bayreuth

Scion's "Meistersinger" Eagerly Awaited Going Backstage With Bayreuth Festival Singers [Real Player],2144,2703690,00.html Opera-less in the Realm of Wagner Opera 101 [Macromedia Flash...
View Resource Two on Wagner

In September 1876, Karl Marx found the time to complain in a letter to his daughter Jenny: "Wherever one goes these days one is pestered with the question: What do you think of Wagner?" In his life, Richard Wagner was the subject of great discussion and admiration, and his works remain immensely popular today. Taken together, these two sites represent a nice introduction to both the man and his...