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Environmental sciences -- History


George Perkins Marsh Online Research Center

George Perkins Marsh had many careers during his long life, including sheep farmer, lawyer, politician, and diplomat. Without a doubt, he is best remembered today for his groundbreaking work, "Man and Nature," which was one of the first pieces of scholarship to describe in detail the significance of human action in transforming the natural world. Since its publication in 1864, the book has been...
The Discovery of Global Warming: A Hypertext History of How Scientists Came to (Partly) Understand What People Are Doing to Change the Earth's Climate

This extensive website provides "a hypertext history of how scientists came to (partly) understand what people are doing to change the Earth's climate." Students and researchers can learn about climate trends -- both modern and past cycles -- the various factors and chemicals influencing the climate, and much more. Visitors will find a concise timeline describing the major discoveries throughout...