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United States -- Census -- Databases


SSDAN: Social Science Data Analysis Network

Subtitled "census data for the classroom and demographic media for all audiences," this Website "makes the latest US census surveys and demographic trends accessible to educators, policymakers, the media, and students at all levels." The Website also offers downloadable datasets and instructional materials to help teachers incorporate data analysis in the classroom as well as a trial download of...
U.S. Census Bureau: Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics

The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) program was designed by the U.S. Census Bureau to bring together census information, surveys, and administrative records in an attempt to offer more specific data on local labor market conditions. Visitors to the site will note that the main sections on the homepage include "Local Employment Dynamics", "Data Tools", "Research", and "Library". The...
U.S. Census: Data Visualization

The U.S. Census Bureau has at its disposal a vast array of information for the general public. This online gallery provides access to several dozen visualizations documenting population change, settlement patterns, and more. First-time visitors might do well to look over the Migration Between California and Other States and the Center of Population, 1790-2010 visualizations as they are both quite...