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English literature

17th century (2)
18th century (1)
19th century (11)
20th century (2)
Congresses. (1)
Early modern, 1500-1700 (1)
Early modern, 1500-1700. (7)
Explication (1)
History and criticism (5)
Study and teaching (1)


View Resource British Library: Caxton's Chaucer

Buried in Poets Corner in Westminster Abbey, Geoffrey Chaucer was responsible for the much-loved Canterbury Tales, a clutch of stories (many of them quite bawdy and frank in their depiction of life in the medieval period) told by pilgrims on their journey to the holy site of Canterbury in Kent. This rather engaging website presented by the British Library features two rather famous editions of the...
View Resource CELT: All Texts by Oscar Wilde

CELT, located at University College Cork, has placed online the complete works of Oscar Wilde, including poems, novels, stories, and lectures. CELT, an "online database of contemporary and historical topics from many areas, including literature and the other arts," is aimed at the greatest possible range of readers, from academic scholars to the general public. Texts at the site can be searched,...
View Resource [email protected]: Calls for Papers in English & American Literature

The University of Pennsylvania English Department provides the Calls For Papers mailing list (CFP) to facilitate the announcement of conferences and publishing opportunities in English and American literature. CFP encourages conference or panel organizers and volume editors to post all such announcements to this list, whether or not they subscribe. Announcements can include upcoming conferences,...
View Resource John Donne

Friend of both Izaak Walton and Ben Jonson, John Donne was the most famous of the metaphysical poets of the 17th century, a group that included George Herbert and Henry Vaughan. Placing a premium on intellectual wit, learned imagery, and subtle argument, Donne's poems have remained some of the most enduring from this period. Created as part of the Luminarium Project by Anniina Jokinen, the site...
View Resource Lewis Carroll Home Page

Born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Lewis Carroll began his writing career writing lines of verse and is best remembered today as the author of Jabberwocky and, of course, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. For students and persons looking for any number of links about Carroll's life, his works, and teaching aids and materials to be used in conjunction with his writings, this Web site should provide...
View Resource My Hideous Progeny: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

This Website, part of a Master's thesis project in English literature that focused on Information Sciences, offers an electronic version of the original 1831 edition of Shelley's Frankenstein. The text is fully annotated, including discussion of literary allusions, character analysis, thematic content, and historical references. Also included is a brief biography of Mary Shelley with additional...
View Resource The Geoffrey Chaucer Website

Chaucer is widely understood to be the father of English literature; though before he composed the Canterbury Tales (his most famous work), he was best known as a writer of poems of love. The Geoffrey Chaucer Web site maintained by Jane Tolmier and her colleagues at Harvard University will be quite helpful to students looking to learn more about the life and work of Chaucer, or even those with a...