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Biology -- Problems, exercises, etc.


AP Central: AP Biology Course Home Page

For students and educators seeking to learn more about the world of biology, this website is the perfect resource. Created by the College Board, this site contains information designed to help individuals prepare for the AP Biology examination. The resources here include a guide to conducting investigative labs in the classroom, an overview of quantitative skills, and several other preparatory...
Cells Alive

The Cells Alive Web site (last mentioned in the October 25, 1996 Scout Report), offered by Quill Graphics, contains several activities to help students understand the basics of cellular biology. The animal cell cycle and cell mitosis animations are especially excellent visual learning tools, clearly showing what takes place during these events and giving well-written descriptions of each stage....
Cells Alive (Last reviewed in the Scout Report, January 25, 2002)

The Scout Report last profiled the Cells Alive website a number of years ago, and since then a number of new features have been added. The site was created by scientist Jim Sullivan, and it includes images, animations, and descriptions that tell about the function of various cells. On the site visitors can browse through three main sections: "Contents", "Interactive", and "Galleries". In the...
Critical Thinking in Biology Using Case Studies

Peter Ommundsen, instructor at Selkirk College (Canada), has put together these online resources targeting undergraduates. The resources give an overview, examples, exercises, and references in problem-based learning and critical thinking. The resources are concise and serve as helpful introductions to each topic.
National Science Foundation: Resources for STEM Education

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has crafted this well-curated collection of resources generated through NSF-funded educational research and development projects. The topical areas here include Teacher Development, Instructional Materials, Assessment, and Research Syntheses. Educators can navigate to the Resources area to explore over three dozen items, including the online book Worms,...
Problem-based Learning in Biology

Peter Ommundsen, instructor at Selkirk College (Canada), has put together these online resources targeting undergraduates. The resources give an overview, examples, exercises, and references in problem-based learning and critical thinking. The resources are concise and serve as helpful introductions to each topic.
University of California -- Santa Cruz: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

This website presents a Behavioral Ecology course developed by Dr. Barry Sinervo, Professor of Biology at UC-Santa Cruz. This site is well-organized and contains a Syllabus with links to a semester's worth of Lectures on subjects such as Genes and Behavior, Natural and Sexual Selection, and Learning and Cognition. The Syllabus also includes links to corresponding Study Questions for each Lecture....