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Microscopy -- Study and teaching -- Activity programs.


View Resource Basic Microscopy: An Important Skill for Plant Pathologists

This lab exercise is provided by the American Phytopathological Society Education Center as part of its Introductory Plant Pathology series. Created by Melissa B. Riley of Clemson University, Basic Microscopy familiarizes students with the use and maintenance of the compound and dissecting microscope. In addition to detailed procedural instructions, the exercise includes questions that test...
View Resource Microscope Imaging Station

The Exploratorium in San Francisco continue to break new and intriguing ground with their latest online project, the Microscope Imaging Station. The actual physical Station resides at their museum, and was opened in 2004. Developed to complement this interactive exhibit, this online manifestation of the Station allows visitors to peer into the cells of living organisms such as sea urchins and...