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Geological time -- Chronology.


A Tapestry of Time and Terrain

This helpful teaching tool from the United States Geological Survey brings together the comprehensive geological and topographical maps of the United States. As the site suggests, "... this digital tapestry outlines the geologic story of continental collision and break-up, mountain-building, river erosion and deposition, ice-cap glaciation, volcanism, and other events and processes that have...
The University of California, Berkeley: Understanding Geologic Time

Through this University of California, Berkeley website, both students and teachers can understand the complexities of geologic time. Through interactive timetables, students can discover when key events occurred in the earth's history, the difference between relative and absolute time, the Law of Superposition, and the Geologic time scale. At the end of the tutorial, users can test their...
Web Geologic Time Scale

The University of California-Berkeley Museum of Paleontology (last mentioned in the June 16, 1995 Scout Report) has recently updated its Web Geologic Time Scale, an online feature that helps users learn about the geologic timeline and explore related museum exhibits. The familiar geologic timeline appears on the main page of the Web site, with hypertext links for each division of time. Every page...