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Professional associations -- United States


AIA Chicago

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Chicago is the largest chapter of licensed architects, architectural interns, and allied professionals within AIA Illinois. When one thinks of the tremendously talented individuals who have left their mark on the city of Chicago, this fact is not so surprising. On AIA Chicago's website, visitors will find access to information about membership, chapter...
Audio Engineering Society

The Audio Engineering Society (AES), now in its fifth decade, is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Its membership consists of leading engineers, scientists and other authorities throughout the world. The Web site has links to information about audio education, events, careers and more.
Boston Society of Architects

Established in 1867, the Boston Society of Architects (BSA) consists of over 3,500 members and produces a wide range of professional publications. On its site, visitors can look through eight sections, such as Programs, Education, and Advocacy. It's easy to get started with the Latest News area, which features updates about BSA members and their work in and around the city. Additionally, the...
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)

Formed in 1902 as a merger between two societies (the Central Naturalists and the American Morphological Society), the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is widely known for its scientific journal, American Zoologist. SICB is comprised of ten divisions: Animal Behavior, Comparative Endocrinology, Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry, Developmental & Cell Biology, Ecology & ...
Society of Automotive Engineers

The highlight of the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Web site, under the Products section, is the listing of a vast array of magazines, books, technical papers, standards, CD-ROMS, professional development tools, and software engineering tools produced by the organization. Thousands of items are available, and though there is a fee to obtain each one, the listings themselves make up a...