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Environmental sciences

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CIRES: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) introduces its collaborative research and education program in the diverse field of earth system sciences. At this expansive website, students and educators can discover the Institute's numerous projects in the areas of climate system variability, geodynamics, planetary metabolism, and regional processes. CIRES discusses its...
Committee for the National Institute for the Environment (CNIE)

This site is intended to provide information on the NIE whose mission is "to improve the scientific basis for making decisions on environmental issues." The site includes information on the origin of the NIE, its accomplishments, and its current activities. Also included are sections on membership, fund-raising, and financial and legislative sponsors. The highlight of the site, however, is the...
CSIRO Marine Research

Offered by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), CSIRO Marine Research Web site contains multiple levels of valuable information. The organization's mission is to "understand its oceans by conducting research in the sustainable use of Australia's marine resources, the ocean's role in climate, and the effective conservation of the marine ecosystem...
Down to Earth: Herblock and Photographers Observe the Environment

The prologue to this fine digital collection crafted by the Library of Congress notes that "Environmental issues affect everyone on planet Earth - the quality of the water and food we consume, the air we breathe, and the parks we enjoy." The images included here are meant to complement an ongoing in site exhibit at the Library, and they include images from the famous editorial cartoonist Herblock...
ENNOnline: The Environmental Science Supersite

ENN Online, provided by Environmental News Network Inc., offers a number of different services which deliver environmental information and resources. One such service is Planet ENN, a free online magazine published weekly. It includes articles covering various environmental topics. This weeks' Planet ENN includes articles on wildlife filmmaking, poaching in Russia, and earth-friendly living. ENN...
Environment Yale Magazine

The Journal of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies has a new, sleek looking website for the Fall 2009 issue. The "Past Issues" are still available on the previous environment: Yale website, however, and the issues go all the way back to the spring of 2002. The journal is published twice per year, and exists in both print and online formats. Some of the features of the journal...
Environmental Career Center

This jobs listing service, provided by Environmental Careers World, an environmental position recruiting firm, posts announcements ranging from field assistants, to post-doctoral positions, to faculty positions. The site lists positions in and out of the US, with universities, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. Sites are briefly listed with hyperlinks to more complete...
Environmental News Network

The Environmental News Network (ENN) has as its primary goal to educate the world about environmental issues facing our Earth. People can freely read articles that change daily on the latest news that affects our planet, read stories from major environmental organizations, search past stories, learn about upcoming events on the provided calendar, listen online to EarthNews Radio, and more. An...
Environmental Science & Technology

The latest issue of Environmental Science & Technology has recently been made available by the American Chemical Societies Publications Web site. The June 15th, 2002 issue contains over thirty articles, which can be viewed for free online or via PDF file. Current articles include Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Indoor and Outdoor Air of Three Cities in the US, Solid-Solution Speciation and...
Environmental Sciences & Sustainability: The NY Academy of Sciences

The New York Academy of Sciences has so many areas that they investigate that choosing just one to highlight can be difficult. The Environmental Sciences and Sustainability topic is particularly interesting, and there's enough material here to warrant several return visits. For example, the article entitled "Flood-Resilient Waterfront Development in New York City: Bridging Flood Insurance,...
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