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Earth sciences -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (10)
Audio-visual aids. (6)
Catalogs. (1)
Computer network resources (8)
Simulation methods. (1)


Alaska Science Forum

The Alaska Science Forum Web site is provided by the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The forum consists of articles written about various science subjects by scientists from the Geophysical Institute. Categories include the aurora, earthquakes, fun science facts, historic Alaska, mountains, rocks and geology, volcanoes, weather, and more. One of the latest articles, by...
American Geosciences Institute Education: Earth Sciences

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has created a number of professional resources to educate persons young and old about geology and its many subfields. New users might do well to check out the Watt's Up? The Lowdown on Energy resource, designed to answer current questions such as how can we best locate and capture energy resources? Visitors can click on one of nine areas (including...
American Geosciences Institute: Curriculum Materials and Archives

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has produced high-quality educational materials for decades, and its website is a great resource for teachers working in the physical sciences. On the site, visitors can take advantage of collections created to support thematic textbooks or peruse online programs such as EarthInquiry. This particular resource contains a series of web-based and print...
Astrobiology: The Search for Life

This is the latest website from the Exploratorium's _Origins_ series -- a Web-based project that "explores the origins of matter, the universe, earth, and even life itself." In "Astrobiology: The Search for Life," visitors can read up on Earth's extreme environments that support life and serve as models for extraterrestrial environments. The site also introduces some of the scientists working in...
California Academy of Sciences: Discover Science

The California Academy of Sciences has an ambitious outreach program designed to provide information on its work to those interested in the sciences. This site contains three sections with videos, podcasts, interviews, and blog posts about the Academy's various projects. The sections include Science Heroes and Science Today, and the organization of the site makes it a snap to browse around. In the...
Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network

The Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) offers a fine range of educational materials for educators hoping to build their students' "understanding of the core ideas in climate and energy science." Visitors can look over the What's New area to learn about updated lesson plans, classroom activities, and featured resources like "Soil Microbes and Global Warming." Users shouldn't miss...
Earth and Sky

This companion web site to the Earth and Sky Radio Series offers recordings of the award winning daily radio show, plus oodles of supplementary science material. Visitors can search for specific science topics and retrieve relevant articles and past shows (and transcripts) on the topic. There is a great kids earth and sky section directed at younger children, plus a teacher's lounge with...
Earth Revealed

What goes on during an earthquake? Who came up with the theory of plate tectonics? What can the fossil record tell us about the evolution of life on Earth? These are all fine questions, and students and educators with a thirst for geological knowledge will find the answers to these (and many more) questions in the "Earth Revealed" television series. Offered as part of the Annenberg Media website,...
Earth Science Picture of the Day

Administered by the Universities Space Research Association, this website features a new fantastic image, picture, graphic, or artwork everyday dealing with an aspect of earth science. Visitors can find information about the featured phenomenon in the caption and from provided links. Archives dating back to September 2000 include images of Hurricane Andrew, Typhoon Bilis, Aorounga Impact Crater,...
Earth Science Teaching Plans and Classroom Activities

Teachers looking for materials to help out in the classroom will find this well-organized site most useful. Created by the folks at, the site's materials were compiled by Christy Pratt, and they are organized into nine thematic areas. These areas include "Volcanoes", "Water", "Weather", "Erosion", and "Plate Tectonics". The resources featured within each section are taken from...
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