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AASL: Best Websites for Teaching and Learning 2017

For K-12 teachers and librarians, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) recently released its annual list of the Best Websites for Teaching and Learning. This list offers a useful one-stop shop for educators and others in search of free online resources that "encourage a community of learners to explore and discover." These resources are organized into categories including... is a very well presented site about Active Server Pages (ASP). Maintained by a Norwegian ASP developer, it is intended as a reference/ training resource for people using ASP in Web authoring and design applications. There are over twenty lessons on various ASP topics, ranging from introductory material to more advanced topics like database integration. A large forum archive lets users...
How Do People Evaluate a Web Site's Credibility?

As the Internet continues to grow, users are increasingly faced with the problem of evaluating the trustworthiness of Web sites. This paper presents the results of two studies conducted to determine how people approach this situation. The researchers "gathered the comments people wrote…about each site's credibility and analyzed these comments to track which features of a Web site were noticed (or...
HTTrack Website Copier 3.32-2

With all the demands on internet use in a household, such as interruptions from other family members and so on, it may be useful to download entire websites in order to view them at a more convenient time. This application will allow users to do just that, as they will be able to effectively download an entire website to a local directory. The application arranges the original site's relative...
JForum RC5

On a related note, there are also several applications to create some communal warmth and place for free and open discussion in the sometimes cold and distant world of the Web. For users who already have a weblog, the application JForum presents an easy way to create an online forum to discuss whatever's on your mind with fellow Web users. The application allows users the ability to create...
Minding the Web to Keep Current on the Internet

The February 1998 End User's Corner discusses techniques and strategies for keeping track of changes on one's favorite sites. Reviewing the popular Web resources, the article discusses how users can make sure they are notified when the content of Web pages change.

MyBookmarks is a free Internet service that allows registered users to access their bookmarks from anywhere at anytime. The full-featured editor makes it easy to organize and search online bookmarks, and from the interface, users can export them back to their browser to use locally. Furthermore, MyBookmarks provides the option of making some or all bookmarks publicly accessible.
Site Management Solutions of the Internet Scout Project

In this article Teri Boomsma, Webmaster for the Internet Scout Project, reviews the many tools and resources available to those interested in Web site management. Boomsma reviews online resources, analysis of server logs, HTML editors, and management of hyperlinks.

This resource is designed to help those who create and maintain Websites ensure that those sites are usable and stable. The site was put together by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), originally for use by NCI staff, but the Institute decided to make the site publicly accessible since many principles of good design and usability are generally applicable to most Websites. The resources here span...
WebLog Expert 3.1

Those persons looking for a new and helpful tool to analyze information about their website's traffic and visitors should look no further than this latest edition of WebLog Expert. This version will give information about accessed files, activity statistics, paths through the site, all offered in HTML reports that include both text information and charts. WebLog Expert 3.1 is compatible with all...
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