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View Resource Concerns continue over the casting of overseas ballots in the upcoming presidential election

Given how close the returns were for the 2000 presidential election in the United States, it is no surprise that both Democrats and Republicans are concerned with a group of voters that are far-flung across the globe: overseas voters. It is estimated that 4 to 10 million U.S. residents live overseas, and many of them have expressed strong interest in making sure their vote is counted. While...
View Resource E-voting

How Stuff Works: E-voting Diebold Election Systems Wired News: Machine Politics Electronic Voting in Ireland Australian Capitol Territory (ACT) Electoral Commission Analysis of an Electronic...
View Resource Electronic Frontier Foundation: E-voting Archive

EFF argues that, "communities across America are purchasing electronic voting (e-voting) machines, but the technology has serious security problems that aren't being addressed." The EFF website seeks to alert the public to a debate between researchers who have raised concerns with the security of the technology and one manufacturer's attempt to terminate those criticisms. The archive is "a...
View Resource Vote: The Machinery of Democracy

Always one with a timely exhibition that reflects both historical concerns and issues of immediate expediency, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History has created this website as the online incarnation of one of their current exhibits, “Vote: The Machinery of Democracy”. Through a host of relevant items (such as one of the controversial butterfly ballots used in Palm Beach County,...