The Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) was founded in 1960 by James H. Lorie and Lawrence Fisher, Professors at the University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business to "advance research in operations of security markets." CRSP compiles standard and derived security data concerning the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets, and maintains a list of current staff working papers for...
A number of international organizations have grown interested in establishing databases that take a close look at the business climate around the globe. One organization is the World Bank, and they recently created this interactive mapping interface that allows users to discover how easy (or difficult) it is to do business in 181 economies. From the homepage, visitors can explore the site's...
With its prestigious record of research and service to the broader public sector, the Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) is the UK's prime research funding and training agency that actively addresses both economic and social concerns. As the website notes, the council seeks "to provide high quality research on issues of importance to business, the public sector, and government."...
As the home of one of the world's strongest economics departments, it stands to reason that the working paper series at Oxford University would also be quite impressive. It is, and economists, policy analysts, and others will find much to occupy their time on this site. The papers are arranged chronologically, and first-time visitors might do well to take a look through some of their more recent...
ID21 (or Information for Development in the 21st Century) is a new Development Research reporting service sponsored by the UK Department for International Development. The goal of ID21 is to link development research and researchers directly to policymakers and development practitioners around the world. The core of the site is a searchable online collection of one-page digests "of the latest...
The quarterly journal IMF Staff Papers "makes available to a wider audience research papers prepared by the members of the IMF staff." The March 1999 issue looks at skilled and unskilled workers in Spain, deindustrialization in advanced economies, and the story of exchange rate deviations from purchasing power parity in two monetary unions.
Since 1983, the L.A. Economic Roundtable has worked on two primary goals: to build a sustainable economy and to create inclusive communities. Producing solid, reliable data to aid policymakers is the Roundtable's area of expertise. The website's "areas of research" and "current projects" will give visitors a good overview of what types of issues the Roundtable addresses. Industrial policy, the...
Everyone is concerned about the economic recession, and the Brookings Institution has a number of its research analysts in its Metropolitan Policy Program investigating the situation. This 13-page report released in September 2009 is part of the "MetroMonitor" series, which tracks quarterly indicators of economic recession and recovery in the nation's 100 largest metropolitan areas. The good news...
The mantra of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is "Better Policies for Better Lives." OECD's work spans the world and features a team of economists, sociologists, and others working on problems as diverse as higher education, access to clean water, and energy policy. The OECD Working Papers Series spans 19 crucial areas, including agriculture, development,...