BBC Online presents this six-part special on sustainable development. Created in anticipation of the now concluded Johannesburg Summit, this Web site provides a valuable resource for viewers wishing to learn more about sustainable development and related issues. The Web site consists of an overview and six sections: Population, Food, Cities, Waste, Tourism, and Energy. The sections offer an...
This Toronto based organization was formed to raise awareness about the problems that windows and lighted structures cause for migrating birds. Focusing on tall buildings in urban areas, this Web site provides yet another reason to turn the lights off when not in use. By visiting the BFB Monitoring section, users can view a number of buildings that have been monitored for their nighttime light...
The Urban Land Institute (ULI) offers up high-quality seminars, conferences, research materials, and long term planning information for real estate professionals, urbanologists, public leaders, and others. Its Featured Videos include observations from professionals in Europe talking about large scale megaprojects to conversations about transit planning in Chicago. A good place to start is with...
Established in 1989 by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Norwegian Ministry of Environment, GRID-Arendal is an international information center providing high quality environmental information for practical use. Arendal is one of thirteen centers that together comprise the Global Resource Information Database, a "network of environmental data centers facilitating the generation and...
Established in 1989 by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Norwegian Ministry of Environment, GRID-Arendal is an international information center providing high quality environmental information for practical use. Arendal is one of thirteen centers that together comprise the Global Resource Information Database, a "network of environmental data centers facilitating the generation and...
Full text of _World Resources 1996-97: A Guide to the Global Environment_, produced by the World Resources Institute, United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, and World Bank, is available via the Web. It is the official source book for the United Nations Habitat II Conference being held in Istanbul, Turkey June 3-14, 1996. The tenth edition of _World Resources_...