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Human genetics -- Variation -- Study and teaching


DNA from the Beginning: An Animated Primer on the Basics of DNA, Genes and Hereditary

Maintained by the Cold Spring Harbor Research Laboratory and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, this animated DNA primer (last mentioned in the February 19, 1999 Scout Report) now has three major sections -- Classical Genetics, Molecular Genetics, and Genetic Organization and Control. Each section covers several concepts by description and in animation, along with interviews and biographies of...
Learn.Genetics: Variation, Selection & Time

The Scout Report has profiled the Genetic Science Learning Center website from the University of Utah in the past, but the website's authors continue to add material of note. This latest offering looks into the genetic variables of variation, selection, and time. As the site notes, "In our ever-changing world, a naturally occurring genetic difference in an individual can become an advantage or a...
Nature Web Focus: The Y Chromosome

The journal Nature presents this online special feature on the recently sequenced Y chromosome. The Web site offers a number of free informative resources, including an account of the sequencing project as well as related scientific papers and letters published in the journal. An archive of Y chromosome-related articles are also available for registered users (no cost for registration). In all,...
