This Web page contains one of the latest offerings from PhysioNet, a public service of the National Institute of Health's National Center for Research Resources, which provides free access to digitally recorded physiologic signals and related software. In January 2003, PhysioNet made available this standard set of test waveforms (as specified by the American National Standard for cardiac monitors,...
New physics teaching resource sites continue to pop up every day, and this one from the University of Minnesota's Physics Education Research Group is a good find. The site is divided into two areas, one covering mechanics problems, and the other covering electricity and magnetic problems. Within these two areas, visitors can look through examples of linear kinematics problems, force problems,...
Provided by Living Graphs, Making Waves is a freely downloaded interactive physics package that helps students visualize and understand the motion and interference of transverse and longitudinal waves. Designed for senior high school and college physics students, the interactive program allows users to manipulate wave properties such as their amplitude, wavelength, phase shift, speed, frequency...
While many people in the nautical world have told stories of large freak ocean waves for years, in the past most people had dismissed the seemingly unlikely rogue waves as myths. New oceanographic research, however, has validated these tales.
First, the Environmental Literacy Council provides an introduction to rogue waves (1). Students and educators can learn about the many mysteries that...