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Cryptography -- Problems, exercises, etc.


View Resource Cryptography

Cryptography is an ancient science, but, with the rise of the information age, computers have brought it to a whole new level. Online privacy and national security both depend on encryption, and maintaining a strong standard is more important than ever. The National Security Agency (NSA) maintains a fun and educational site for kids (1). Children can navigate through Cryptic Manor and solve...
View Resource Cryptography: Descriptions of Historical Ciphers

Cryptography is an extremely important field in modern information security, but this website diverges from today's high-tech methods to look at the historical use and development of cryptographic ciphers. Two interesting stories about Edgar Allen Poe and Julius Caesar describe the work in cryptography done by these two notable figures. Several famous ciphers are described, including the simple...
View Resource Maths

Maths Challenge is a fun activity to build mathematical and reasoning skills. Each month during the school year, a new set of math problems are posted online. There are miscellaneous problems at junior and senior levels, cryptography and code breaking problems, and computer programming challenges. Each section is appropriate for a different age range, but the most basic material starts at age...