This kid-friendly educational website from the University of Vermont, tells the story of Charlotte, a whale whose remains were discovered in Vermont by railroad construction workers in 1849. Although the site is not extensive, it features some great images, and relates an interesting phenomenon in an intriguing narrative style. The online exhibit includes brief sections on how the whale got there,...
Hosted by UK-based Vision Internet Services, Cetacea is a comprehensive and artful website providing background information for all known species of dolphin, whale, and porpoise. Site visitors can use the search engine or indices to locate cetacean species by common or scientific name. The information pages for individual species include photos and information regarding Classification,...
WhaleNet is an educational Web site for students and teachers from Wheelock College in Boston. The sites main features include photos, maps, and data from several satellite tracked marine animals, and lots of information on whales, whale sightings, and whale research. The site includes a teachers resources section with a number of activities and lesson plans to enhance the usefulness of this site...
Smithsonian Libraries presents this remarkable exhibit that looks into the world of natural history via the largest mammals on the planet: whales. On this site, visitors can learn about how the bones and fossils of these amazing animals make their way from discovery on a beach or in rock strata into the museum's vast collections. The first stop should be the Kellogg Illustration Collection, which...
It's not hard to see why this whale of a tale was the third most shared resource by our readers. This well crafted site provides a window into the life of a young girl on a whaling ship in the 1800s. One of our favorite aspects of the site is the option to read Laura's journal in her original handwriting, allowing readers to watch her penmanship develop and steady as her journey progressed over...