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Food -- History

Exhibitions (4)
Web sites (1)


1850s & 1860s Hotel and Restaurant Menus

The University of Houston has increased its digital offerings in recent years to allow visitors to make their way through everything from home retail pamphlets from the 1920s to copper plate engravings from Theodor de Bry's "Grandes Voyages." This particular collection offers users access to 80 different menus from the 1850s and 1860s. The menus are taken from establishments that were located all...
Art and Appetite: American Painting, Culture, and Cuisine

In time for the holiday season of indulging, the Art Institute of Chicago presents this exhibition that documents the American fascination with food, using paintings and sculptures, as well as period cookbooks, menus, and posters, dating from the 18th through the 20th century. The online exhibition is presented in the form of a cookbook and includes historical recipes illustrated with works from...
Eat My Globe

Eat My Globe is a podcast created by TV personality, author, and cook Simon Majumdar and produced by April Simpson, in collaboration with the UCLA Department of History and its Public History Initiative. Five seasons of the podcast are available online, dating from October 2018 through the present. The show is an especially pleasant listen for anyone longing to travel, but prevented by the...
Food in the West: A Timeline, 1700-2001

This culinary-themed timeline was created by students in a "Foundations of Western Civilization" class taught by Utah State University professor Julia Gossard. Here, visitors can learn about major culinary trends -- including trends related to food, drink, feasts, and agriculture -- from the Ancien regime through the present day. For instance, one stop on the timeline, Enlightenment Desserts,...
Food Timeline

Whether visitors to the Food Timeline are foodies, or just plain curious, they will definitely find more information than can be taken in at one sitting. The Food Timeline was developed by a "reference librarian with a passion for food history," and her dedication is evident in the link near the top of the page entitled "About Culinary Research". Clicking on this link is extremely helpful for...
Lunch Hour NYC

Opening with a lovely quote from George Foster in 1849, the New York Public Library serves up a digital collection on lunching in New York City where "every thing is done differently… but in eating the difference is more striking than in any other branch of human economy." This offering complements an in situ exhibit that was held at the library from June 2012 to February 2013. First-time visitors...
Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery: Burgers and Fries

The Optical Microscopy Division of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory -- a joint venture of Florida State University, the University of Florida, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory -- presents this uncommon look at a familiar favorite. Burgers and Fries, just one of many fantastic image galleries from the Molecular Expressions Web site, shows how "this delightful classic is just as...