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Drawing -- Exhibitions


Gustav Klimt: The Magic of Line

The Getty Museum is known for a number of firsts when it comes to creative art exhibits, and they have recently embarked on the first retrospective fully dedicated to the drawings of Gustav Klimt. This particular exhibition was organized by the Albertina Museum in Vienna, in collaboration with the Getty Museum, to mark the 150th anniversary of Klimt's birth. Klimt was one of the seminal figures of...
John Falter's Jazz Portraits

Born in Plattsmouth, Nebraska in 1910, John P. Falter was a photographer who created a number of iconic Saturday Evening Post covers along with taking numerous photos of celebrated jazz musicians. Some of his noted works include images captured from jazz gatherings in Colorado and Odessa, Texas in the 1970s. This digital collection from the Nebraska State Historical Society brings together some of...
Silverpoint Drawing Complete

Authored by James M. Glenn, Silverpoint Drawing Complete provides information and materials on and for the silverpoint medium. Mr. Glenn, who is a practicing artist with a MFA from Ohio University, has created a complete resource center for artists and anyone else interested in silverpoint drawing. The site offers a brief history section that includes an essay on writing technology development...