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View Resource Bubble Chamber

This worthwhile news site was created and edited by Jim Flanagan as an alternative to the mainstream technology news sites, which seem to focus more on technology business news than anything else. As Flanagan puts it, "I'm a technologist, not an investor, and so I'm much more interested in the Web of Ideas." To that end, his site posts brief summaries and links to the full text of articles...
View Resource EurekAlert!

EurekAlert, a service of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, presents the latest news on research in science, medicine and technology. News releases are submitted by academic institutions, journals, government sources, and non-profit agencies. The site is designed to be used by journalists, research institutions and members of the public. EurekAlert is updated daily and...
View Resource SciTech Daily Review

Users wishing quick and easy access to some of the best writing online will want to examine this site. Scitech Daily Review, updated four days per week offers links to articles, new book notices and reviews, and essays and opinion pieces for the fields of science and technology. The site does not provide original content, but rather mines a wide array of online newspapers, journals, and other...
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If you're interested in finding quality science related Web sites, give a try. The science section contains several sponsored sites as well as specific categories such as chemistry, earth science, environment, news, physics, resources, space, biology, education, and geography resources. Once a category is chosen, the links are then listed and can be reorganized by editors' picks,...