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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- Publications


Key Documents in the History of Space Policy

All of the projects that NASA takes on are controlled by politics. This website allows users to explore the key discussions in the political agenda by supplying significant documents that have affected the history of the United States space program. Documents range from the 1958 Space Act, which established NASA, to the 2004 Assessment of the NASA Agency-wide Applicability of the Columbia Accident...
NASA - Educators

The NASA Educators website provides teachers and others with access to high-quality classroom materials such as podcasts, lesson plans, interactive web features, and photos. Visitors can dive right in via the For Educators area, which includes topical headings like Higher Education, Informal Education, and Current Opportunities. Clicking on the Higher Education tab will take visitors to the Have...
NASA Thesaurus: Volume 1

The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program plays a key role in keeping NASA a leader in aeronautical and space sciences. The STI maintains NASA's database of aeronautical and space science information while also reporting on the Agency's research and development. This impressive thesaurus contains a hierarchical listing of all authorized terms contained in NASA's STI database,...