Daniel Goodman of the Montana State University Environmental Statistics Group designed the Graphical Locator Home Web site as an aid for acquiring and refining location data and related measures. Visitors will find several helpful geographical resources including a township-range-section converter, UTM converter, and a degrees-minutes-seconds converter. Although the tools do not necessarily cover...
Another interesting offering from Infoplease.com, the Infoplease Atlas site provides a wealth of geographic information. Students can browse the clickable world map to view countries and the cities within, and then read that country's profile, which includes information such as size, population, history, largest city, links, and much more. Other sections of the site provide world and US...
The Federal Research Division (FRD) provides customized research and analytical services on foreign and domestic topics to United States Government and District of Columbia agencies. This Web site "presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world and examines the...
The US Census Bureau provides access to a staggering amount of data that can be used to create "detailed portraits of the changing characteristics of [American] communities," but for the uninitiated, interpreting that data can be a challenge. To help address this difficulty, the Census Bureaus Statistics in Schools (SIS) program has created this collection of classroom geography activities...
Provided by Bartleby.com, the Columbia Gazetteer of North America is a collection of over 50,000 entries of places and features and is described as "far and away the most comprehensive encyclopedia of the geographical places and features of the region." Users can search the database by keyword and by region or browse the entire collection alphabetically. The entries contain brief descriptions,...
New from the US Central Intelligence Agency comes The World Fact Book. This annual publication contains a wide range of information on every recognized country in the world. Once chosen, visitors can view a map of the country and its flag, as well as read facts on its geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues including international...
The US Geological Survey Geographic (USGS) Data Download Web site contains a large selection of downloadable digital elevation models (DEM) in various formats. Visitors will find links to 1:250,000 Scale Digital Elevation Models, 1:24,000 Scale Digital Elevation Models, 30 Meter Resolution National Elevation Dataset, 1:2,000,000 Digital Line Graphs, 1:100,000 Scale Digital Line Graphs, 1:24,000...