The homepage for the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory has recently undergone updates that change its look and navigation scheme. Drop-down menus at the top of the page allow users to quickly navigate between several categories of files and research available for download. The site provides general information about several species of whales, along...
A great combination of art and science, the Orca Live Web site provides live Webcam viewing of Orca whales off Hanson Island, in the Johnstone Strait between Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Founded by Dr. Paul Spong, the Orca Lab on Hanson Island and underwater video cameras and microphones at Cracroft Point, monitor the whales' voices and movements 24 hours a day, covering an approximately...
This website presents the Whale Research Lab at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. The Whale Lab -- consisting of a small group of faculty, graduate students, and associates -- focuses on conservation-related marine mammal research. The site features research project profiles for M.Sc. and PhD students, and includes a short list of theses and dissertations. Dr. Ellen Hines"...
Smithsonian Libraries presents this remarkable exhibit that looks into the world of natural history via the largest mammals on the planet: whales. On this site, visitors can learn about how the bones and fossils of these amazing animals make their way from discovery on a beach or in rock strata into the museum's vast collections. The first stop should be the Kellogg Illustration Collection, which...