Recently released by the Task Force of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, this report highlights and responds to the growing epidemic of college drinking. Unfortunately, in recent years, attention to college drinking has focused on the consequences of excessive drinking rather than the drinking itself. Conversely, this report brings attention to the problem of college...
College leaders hope to renew debate on a lower drinking age,0,1651220.story
ABC News: Answer to Underage Drinking: Make It Legal
MADD: Some University Presidents Shirk Responsibility to Protect Students from Dangers of Underage...
Released in July 2002, this study from the Harvard School of Public Health examines the secondhand effects of living in close proximity to college campuses. Conducted by Dr. Henry Wechsler and his colleagues at the College Alcohol Study, the 11-page report shows that neighbors living within one mile of college campuses are 135 percent more likely to suffer from public disturbances than those...