In an era increasingly awash with numbers, how can one parse it all out? How is it possible to separate the proverbial quantitative chaff from the valuable wheat? Carleton College has taken on this weighty matter with their Quantitative Inquiry, Reasoning, and Knowledge Initiative (QuIRK). On the site, visitors will find sections that include Curricular Materials, Quantitative Reasoning...
The world is faced with a number of pressing issues, including climate change, food security, and a range of public health epidemics, just to name a few. In an effort to inspire solutions, the Innovation Management site allows a wide range of creative thinkers, scientists, and policy experts to exchange ideas via their Open Innovation Marketplace. Currently, the site has over 14000 persons signed...
The Universal Troubleshooting Process (UTP) is an abbreviated version of the book Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist by Steve Litt. UTP consists of ten steps designed to help modern workers diagnose the system in question and ultimately repair it. The process is very general and can be applied to virtually any well-defined system. Each step of the process is carefully...