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Scientific expeditions -- Australia.


Burke & Wills Web

Unless one has a penchant for the history of Australian exploration or the 1985 film "Burke and Wills", they may not be familiar with the personages of Robert O'Hara Burke and his third in command, William John Wills. In 1860, they set forth from the city of Victoria on their way to explore their way across the continent of Australia. While the expedition successfully crossed the continent, some...
Nineteenth Century Exploration of Australia

Created by Dr. Charles H. Smith and Jennifer Rakestraw, this well-crafted site is built around an Australian map that details the routes taken by nineteenth century Australian explorers. The map has been reproduced into three online sections -- western, central, and eastern -- and each section contains a list of explorers who navigated that region of the continent. Also included are Internet links...
The Voyage of the Odyssey

PBS Online presents the Ocean Alliance's Voyage of the Odyssey, a multi-year project that is gathering baseline data on ocean health, using whales, albatrosses, and pelagic fish as environmental indicators. Students can read or listen to daily logs from the ship and track the voyage, while Science from the Field offers several video and audio reports. Be sure not to pass by the Interactive Ocean...