Two years after the tragic events of 9/11, many people around the US and the world attended a number of memorial services dedicated to the lives of those who passed away on that horrible day. Along with the services held in New York and Washington, DC, numerous college campuses paid homage to the deceased in a number of ways. On the campus of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, the school's...
This moving site created by the National September 11th Memorial and Museum allows visitors to explore, honor, and learn about those who survived the events of 9/11, as well as those who died from the attack on that day or beyond. Visitors can roll their mouse over the thumbnails on the Make History homepage to see what each picture is about. The pictures will be categorized as a Feature Story,...
Funded by a major grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and organized by the American Social History Project at the City University of New York Graduate Center and the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, the September 11 Digital Archive is a project that uses electronic media to "collect, preserve, and present the history of the September 11, 2001 attack in New York,...
The events of September 11, 2001 are still very fresh in the minds of many persons across the United States and much of the world. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Library of Congress has designed this online exhibition (in conjunction with an _in situ_ exhibition in Washington, D.C.) for the general public to peruse some of the many items related to the events of that day. Included are...