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CiteSeer has been around since 1997, when it was first created at the NEC Research Institute at Princeton University. It was the first digital library and search engine to provide automated citation indexing and citation linking using the method of autonomous citation indexing. The library is primarily focused on the literature in computer and information science, and the project partners include...
Information Please

Information Please LLC provides this site, a cyber-ready reference library of information derived from its well-known publications, The Information Please Almanac, The A&E Information Please Entertainment Almanac, The ESPN Information Please Sports Almanac, The Information Please Kids' Almanac, and The Information Please Girls' Almanac, as well as the Columbia Encyclopedia, and the Random House...
World Agricultural Information Centre Portal

Disseminating information about any subject to a broad range of constituents and concerned parties and organizations can be a formidable task, no matter what the medium might be. This website is designed to achieve just that goal for agriculture, and it has a mandate from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT) is...