INET '97 focused on some of the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues surrounding the use of Internet technology and this site allows users to view the text of these proceedings.
The proceedings of the recently completed sixth annual conference of the Internet Society (INET'96), including over 150 papers, are available at the ISOC web site. Main topics of the conference, held in Montreal, Quebec, consist of "Internet Applications and Services," "Transforming Internet Commerce and Reshaping the Marketplace," "Internet Learning and Teaching," "Networking Technology...
In Boston, Massachusetts, the Archives & Museum Informatics organized and held a national conference from April 18-20, entitled Museum and the Web 2002 (MW2002). This conference specifically addressed Web-related issues for museums, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions. Selected papers from the conference have recently been made available for the Internet audience, viewable in HTML...
The proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (May 2003) are posted at this site. Nearly 70 refereed papers, coming from industry and academia, were presented at the conference. One study considers the rate of change involved in the evolution of the Web, while others address Web searching, peer-to-peer techniques, and much more. Several of the papers are not yet posted (an...